Test Bundle (AI)

From: 0,00 

Sensibilisation à la sécurité de l'information

La cybersécurité est vitale si vous devez protéger des données sensibles ou empêcher des systèmes de mal fonctionner. Il est essentiel d'être conscient des dangers qui rôdent sur Internet et des autres menaces qui peuvent nuire à votre infrastructure informatique lorsque vous travaillez avec la technologie. De nos jours, tout le monde utilise l'informatique sous une forme ou une autre, c'est pourquoi une formation de sensibilisation à la cybersécurité est bénéfique pour vous et votre organisation. Venez donc participer à notre atelier de sensibilisation à la cybersécurité.



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Introduction to Blockchain

The course is designed for a broad audience of professionals looking to acquire a solid general understanding of blockchain technologies and searching to be operational with typical blockchain applications.

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Cybersecurity Awareness

Cybersecurity is vital if you need to protect sensitive data, or prevent systems from malfunctioning. Being aware of the dangers that roam on the internet and other threats that can harm your IT infrastructure, is essential when working with technology. Nowadays basically everyone is using IT in some form, that’s why cybersecurity awareness training is beneficial to you and your whole organisation. Therefore come join our Cybersecurity Awareness Workshop.

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Sorry, the course is fully booked. If you are interested in getting notified for future dates, please leave your name and email address below


Start date

March 16, 2023

End date

March 24, 2023

Language(s) of the training


Languages spoken by the coach(es)



Learning Outcomes


Format and Location

This course takes place ON-SITE

Terres Rouges building
14, porte de France
L-4360 Esch/Alzette




Additional Info


This training does not have any assessment or exams; a certificate of participation will be issued to participants.