The Digital Learning Hub (DLH) is characterized, on the one hand, by an important flexibility to host trainings in the field of computer science and, on the other hand, by an alternative way of pedagogy compared to a traditional school, for example.
Embedded in the context of continuing professional education (formation professionnelle) within the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, the DLH is a meeting place for learners and professionals that provides an appropriate infrastructure to foster creativity, peer-to-peer work and an international learning and exchange culture. The aim of the DLH is to offer a variety of pedagogical forms in a friendly environment.
At launch, the courses offered at DLH are grouped into these entities:
- Coding
- Cybersecurity
- Blockchain
- Design Thinking
Here is a brief overview of the partners behind these entities
- Coding: École 42 offers a broad and complex training in programming. It is characterized by progression based on levels to be reached and not by traditional exams. Learning is done through projects and teamwork.
- Design Thinking: D-School is a model from Stanford University that allows heterogeneous groups of students to learn to design solutions to complex problems. Together, Design thinking training will be offered in collaboration with the D-School of the Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) in Potsdam.
- Blockchain: Luxembourg Blockchain Lab is the initiative of Infrachain, LHoFT, LIST, SnT and Letzblock to animate the Luxembourg blockchain ecosystem. Trainings will be offered in order to help find the right resources, develop knowledge on Blockchain and develop projects in collaboration with the industry.
- Cybersecurity: SECURITYMADEIN.LU is the agency that contributes to the reliability of the Luxembourg economy by providing expertise and extensive cybersecurity solutions to businesses. The DLH will offer awareness as well as highly specialized trainings.
The trainings within the DLH will be open to anyone, resident or not, of adult age, who wishes to obtain an advanced education in the specialties offered in the various training entities. No special entry requirements and no preliminary qualifications or degrees required.

How we operate
The DLH allows students to take advantage of practical, modern, and creative trainings with enormous potential for a variety of career opportunities.
In addition to our course catalogue, for employers who are considering sending their employees to vocational training, the DLH offers the possibility of creating customized training courses according to their needs. For example, a computer specialist could acquire specific skills in a short period of time, while performing his weekly tasks without too many limitations.
To do so, DLH experts, in partnership with the requesting organization, can specify objectives (learning outcomes) and tailor training courses accordingly.
The DLH relies on a large network of external experts and trainings whilst having a core team managing the training catalog.