Introduction to coding and web development with WIDE
0,00 €
This training is designed for, mainly, adult women, from the age of 18 ; seeking employment, looking for a job or wanting to change careers. Newly arrived in Luxembourg, engaged in a business creation process or already local entrepreneurs, all are welcome! The programme is a three-day coding session (8 to 15 women). It will be an introduction to HTML, CSS and javascript. It will be followed by 15 days during which participants can continue to learn with the aid of online exercises provided and supported by the team.
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Start date
September 26, 2022
End date
September 28, 2022
Language(s) of the training
Languages spoken by the coach(es)
English, French
Nizar Ayed
The main objective is to support women participants in the acquisition of digital competencies by discovering the basics of coding, web development and understanding algorithmic thinking. Our pedagogy is supportive and collaborative so that everyone feels at ease in the journey!
Learning Outcomes
Thanks to this training the participants will gain basic knowledge of various programming languages. They will learn the basics of HTML / CSS in order to make changes and conduct analysis on sites such as WordPress or any HTML/CSS files. This will start their journey in the digital world and coding. They will be more at ease collaborating in technical teams and projects and will acquire useful jargon and concepts in programming and web development.The session is also an introduction to coding for the participants to assess their interest in further learning opportunities, especially within DLH.
This training has a total of 21 hours and takes place over 3 days:
- Day 1/3: 26.09.2022 09:00 – 17:00
- Day 2/3: 27.09.2022 09:00 – 17:00
- Day 3/3: 28.09.2022 09:00 – 17:00
Format and Location
This course takes place ON-SITE
Terres Rouges building
14, porte de France
L-4360 Esch/Alzette
None – For beginners with good use of computers usual applications (keyboard/mouse, spreadsheets, internet).
Additional Info
This session is a part of a full programm of training, and collaborative projects and is supported by WIDE (Women in Digital Empowerment) @DLH.
This training does not have any assessment or exams; a certificate of participation will be issued to participants.